Saturday, 2 July 2011

Planning for Perfection

Well, after another shaky week I've been forced to take stock and really think about where I'm failing, and, what made be successful in the first few weeks of my 12 week body transformation.

My number one excuse is time - not enough of it and not wanting to spend it at the supermarket.

The gym, surprisingly, isn't a problem for me this time.  I'm lucky enough to be the member of a super swanky gym in the City - it has its own app so that I can book classes.  Now the motivation here is that if I don't turn up I get an email ticking off - and if I miss 3 sessions in a month I'm not allowed to book for a month - this would not be good news for my new found passion for Pilate's Reformer - the battle for a bed in this class is vicious!

However, any personal trainer worth their salt will tell you that exercise is only 20-30% of it - the big key is 'clean' eating.

This week I've still eaten within my calories, but I've been scratching around empty cupboards, and 3 nights in a row of pasta and pesto isn't exactly nutritionally balanced - it really hasn't been easy getting in my 5 and 2.  So, today, I have taken myself in hand and taken 10 minutes to sit with all my favourite 12wbt recipes - put myself a shopping list together and dragged myself to Coles. 

So, why does having a kitchen full of food help with a diet?

Well, I'm a girl who likes to know exactly where my next meal is coming from.  If I don't, I think about it - Constantly!  I start to obsess about what I might eat and then I convince myself that I'm hungry, and must eat urgently - then I start to make crappy decisions!

Now I have cupboards bulging with good choices.  I know that every night this week I have a sensible and delicious meal choice to come home to,so, this is it, time to get my mind back to the place it was in the first 5 weeks.

So, stay tuned, I'll keep you posted (pardon the pun!)

Where do you find yourself wavering?  What's the one thing that you do that you know helps keep you on track?  Do you find good planning makes a difference?